Posted on 4/28/2022

Is one of your dashboard warning lights on, but you have no clue what it could be? If yes, then a computer diagnostics service is precisely what you're looking for. The Auto Doc is the number one trusted source for diagnostics testing in Houston, TX. What Is Computer Diagnostics? Computer diagnostics is a service we offer, where one of our technicians connects our state-of-the-art equipment to your vehicle. The technology scans your vehicle's computer for error codes that helps us look in the right direction of the problem. A car diagnostic requires good quality tools and special knowledge to accurately pinpoint the problem. It can detect anything from ignition timing issues, poor fuel injector performance, alarming engine rpm levels, buildup in the engine, motor temperature, and more. Once we analyze the codes, our technicians will proceed to carefully inspect the problem area to determine what repairs need to be done. Computer diagnostic scans are the first and most ... read more