Posted on 1/21/2021

Automobiles top the list of the pollutants that are hampering our environment day in and day out. This has driven modern manufacturers to design eco-friendly vehicles that consume less fuel and emit fewer fumes. People are also adopting greener ways to minimize environmental damage by adopting carpooling, cycling, walking, and using public transport. Despite all these measures, driving is inevitable for most people, so here are some environment-friendly driving tips that can bring about a reduction in our carbon footprints. Invest in an eco-friendly vehicle. Modern technology has made energy-efficient vehicle options more accessible for us, such as hybrids, hydrogen battery-operated, and electric cars. Purchasing a vehicle with reduced carbon emissions benefits the environment as well as your fuel economy. Get rid of extra stuff from the vehicle. Extra weight such as bike racks, strollers, boxes, etc., in the truck or around the car increases the aerodynamic resistance, reducing th ... read more